Cara Menghapus Shoutbox yang penuh komentar

Caranya :
1. Log In Admin pada Shoutbox.
2. Klik Settings Cari tulisan General klik prune messages.
3. Pilih sisakan 10 posts (untuk seterusnya) atau delete semua,
Contoh pilihan seperti ini :
Messages pruning

1. Keep latest 10 posts and delete the rest
2. Keep latest 30 posts and delete the rest
3. Keep latest 60 posts and delete the rest
4. Keep latest 100 posts and delete the rest
5. Keep latest 200 posts and delete the rest
6. Keep latest 300 posts and delete the rest
7. Delete all messages in my shoutbox


# Enter account password:
4. Klik Aplly Settings.
5. Selesai.

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4 komentar:

Meryl (proud pinay) said...

Hi thanks for sharing this info about shoutmix.happy weekend

Mangudin said...

siip mang

ita.gazali said...

Thanks yah tutorialnya... nice posting :D

hidayatunnisa>icya said...

klu mau apus gmn

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